Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Fate of Otaku Guys

Love mangas? Love animes? Love figurines? Love videogames? You sure? Sure you want to follow the path of otaku???.....................

Oh well...I guess I have no right to stop you...But wait, lemme show you the consequences

yup....definitely a sad thing...

"i aint got anyone to date for">>>>"i aint got anyone to date with"
Crap i just realized the bloody mistake =,='''

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Two seconds

It's 6a.m. in the morning, even though there is no ayam but i can still hear the kokok sound in my head.
Why I'm still not asleep you're asking?Why???
It's because of two seconds.....Friggin two seconds made me stay up for the whole blardy night!!!
We have this final assignment in our class where we suppose to do a 30 seconds gag animation.
Imagine how many bedtimes i gotta skip if i only managed to finish only 2 seconds of key animation in a night......
Still,I'm glad its a group assignment........

Monday, April 28, 2008

I love pressing snap button : )

Hmm...I was wondering what to post for my first blog and i happened to realize my new hobby~~~CAM-WHORING~~~ :D

I got an image stuck in my brain and so i drew this picture right away

Stef and Rob cam-whoring

Haha I know I don't look like the guy in this pic but who cares?It's mangafied version of me XDD
Oh yeah it actually did happened yesterday when I was in Stef's car yesterday.We were cam-whoring for a moment till i was pissed for not getting a perfect shot but i still had fun anyway.

I think I'm in love with Stef's Sony Ericsson....Drools~